
Stanley Market > Getting There

Getting to Stanley Market

If you are in a hurry but not on a budget then a taxi from anywhere in Hong Kong is the easiest way.  Every taxi driver knows the way, and the name "Stanley" in English, so there is no problem there.

The ride is a very winding road though so those who get car sick in the back of cars need to beware -- if you find buses better then bus 6, 6A, 6X , 66 or 260 from Exchange Square bus terminus in Central will take you there.  They are air-conditioned and comfortable as buses go.

An alternative way would be to take the MTR to Chai Wan station, leave the station via Exit C and catch green minibus 16M which will also take you to the Stanley market.

If you are starting in Causeway Bay then there is a more direct route via AMS Green Minibus #40.

Green mini buses are not as comfortable as a regular bus or a taxi.

Here are some more specific details on getting to Stanley Market from various parts of Hong Kong:

Stanley Market from Admiralty

Located on the north short of HK Island the business district of Admiralty is rather boring in itself, but is something of a transport hub so you will doubtless pass through it multiple times in even a brief trip to HK.  To get the market from Admiralty district is quite straightforward.  Read the details here

Stanley Market from Causeway Bay

The minibus is the best direct route from CWB to Stanley but you could take a taxi as well. Check out the details of your options here.

Stanley Market from Central

Located at the centre of HK's business zone, but not central in any geographic area, the Central district is a starting point for many journies and offers a few options for getting to Stanley. Consider your options here

Stanley Market from Kowloon / TST

A tourism hub and important business district in its own right the Tsimshatsui area of Kowloon is a favourite area for tourists, enven though there are not actually many attractions there which are particularly HK or Asian in flavour. Leaving TST to spend the day in Stanley would be a great choice, and you have multiple choices.

Stanley Market from Mongkok

Ventured futhur north in search of real Hong Kong local flavour? Then you may well be in Mongkok or one of the adjoining areas such as Jordan or Prince Edward. Make your way from this very local part of Hong Kong to the more international and tourist friendly Stanley via Bus, train or a combination.  Try including the Star Ferry just for some variety! Read all about it here.

Stanley Market from Repulse Bay

Probably the only other south-side area from which you would try to reach Stanley market, the Repulse Bay is a real beach that people go to for swimming. But if you want to swim then try Stanley Main Beach instead which is smaller but just as good for swimming, and is walking distance from shops, restaurants and the market.  Learn how to get there by clicking here. You can even walk from Repulse Bay to Stanley, it is that close.

Stanley Market from Wanchai

Nightclubs, bars and restaurants are what the world knows Wanchai for, but for HK residents they are just as likely to go there to buy some taps for the bathroom or blinds for their windows. An eclectic mix of builders, interior designers, nightclubs, small publishing houses mix with offices and restaurants of all descriptions. Take a trip from Wanchai to Stanley by following one of these three suggestions.


While often visited for the view the visitor should not forget that The Market encompasses a wide range of shopping and dining options, from the casual to the sophisticated.  Within the Stanley area are examples of many of Hong Kong's most authentic and distinctive styles, as well as international choices to fit all palates and budgets.


  • Stanley Market
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