Attractions and sightseeing destinations near to Stanley
Within Stanley
- Murray House
- Blake Pier
- Stanley Beach
- Temples, including Pak Tai Temple
- Stanley Ma Hang Park - A green park
- Stanley Military Cemetery
- Old Stanley Police Station - A listed historic building now used as a supermarket
- View from the roof of Stanley Municipal Building
- Stanley Fort (Not open to the public)
- Stanley Prison (Not open to the public) but next to the Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum
Outside Stanley
For me, I normally take my visitors to Stanley at around 11a.m., let them shop a bit, have lunch and continue with either more shopping or more browsing around Stanley market's area. Then we will catch a taxi to Aberdeen for the famous Jumbo Floating Seafood Restaurant. The food there is ok but not gourmet standard. After all, it's a touristy restaurant.
If you are serious with afternoon tea, how about go to the Veranda in Repulse Bay. The Veranda used to be a restaurant of the Repulse Bay Hotel but the hotel is no more. All it's left is the Veranda. Reservation is recommended.